miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

Me río Yo

Del blog de Aarón viene este meme que se supone sólo pueden hacer los de Livejournal jajaja. Nada de explicaciones eh?

1. The age you will be on your next birthday

2. Your name

3. Your favourite place

4. Your favourite objetc

5. Favourite food

6. Favourite animal

7. Favourite colour

8. Town in which you were born

9. Town in which you live

10. Name of a pet

11. Name of your first crush

12. Your nickname

13. Middle name

14. Last name

15. A bad habit of yours

16. first job

17. your grandmother's name

18. Current job

19. Fave regular drink

20. Fave alcoholic drink

21. Fave Coffee place

22. Current anime/manga/dorama you watching? (max. 3)

23. Current obsessions

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